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Basement Waterproofing in West Chester, Montgomery County

How much time do you spend thinking about your basement and whether it’s up to all of the necessary codes and structural necessities? For many West Chester homeowners, the answer somewhere between “very little” and “none”. In the event of a basement flooding, you’ll certainly wish you had spent more time concerning yourself with it, though. Because of what is often stored in the basement, like old photographs and important financial documents, nothing is more frustrating than realizing it is wet. Water can damage more than just your whatever possessions you have stored in the room, including pieces of your house itself like walls and flooring. Plain and simple, a flooded basement spells disaster!


First. You need to understand where the water came from. Flooded basements typically originate from four sources:

#1 Surface water running down foundation walls.
#2 Sanitary sewer water from a combined municipal storm/sanitary sewer system backing up into the home’s drain system, causing sewer water to come up through sink drains and floor drains on lower levels.

#3 Groundwater in water-saturated soils being pushed into the basement by hydrostatic pressure.
#4 Storm sewer water from the municipal storm sewer system backing up into the home’s existing perimeter foundation drain and leaking into the basement. This can only occur if the perimeter foundation drain system is connected to the municipal sewer system, however.


If your basement hasn’t flooded yet, you are already on borrowed time. Don’t wait around and let this disastrous event happen to you. Instead, be proactive and contact Waterproof One, the go-to company for basement waterproofing in the Montgomery County area. You can email us at Joesoster@waterproofingone.com or call (484) 410-4110 to reach us immediately if you think a flood is imminent.


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