Do It Yourself Home Mold Removal
Mold inside of the home is a serious matter. Moldy homes can lead to severe allergy attacks, asthma problems, and general feelings of sickness. Symptoms of mold exposure vary from person to person, which means that each family member may have a different response to this fungus. Runny nose, sneezing, congestion, sore eyes, and rashes can all be attributed to mold. Those with weakened immune systems, the elderly, and very young children can be affected even further. Because of this, it is vital that, when discovered, mold is removed completely.
Mold removal services are easy to find in practically every community. Unfortunately, they can also be prohibitively expensive. Luckily, mold can be removed safely by the homeowner as long as he or she carefully follows specific and thorough guidelines.
The homeowner must wear protective gear before beginning the mold removal process. Coming into contact with mold can lead to skin and eye irritation, allergic reactions, and respiratory problems. Purchase and use the following:
- N-95 Respirator or Dust Mask
- Long Rubber Gloves
- Goggles
Once properly outfitted, the homeowner should clean the mold off of all hard surfaces with a strong detergent and water. There are various types of mold detergent on the market. The homeowner should pay special attention to the product they purchase to make sure it is suitable for the surface they are treating. Often, homeowners will need multiple items if many surfaces are affected.
Once the cleansing process is complete, the homeowner must completely dry the surface with towels or a fan. Of course, not all moldy areas are solid. Porous materials and fabric that have become moldy must be removed and discarded. Molded carpets and pads cannot be washed adequately to be reused.
After the mold has been eliminated, the site should be inspected thoroughly. Areas that have been completely cleansed should show no visible signs of mold and should no longer harbor the musty smell that accompanies mold and mildew.
To keep mold from reappearing, it may be necessary to clean the area on a regular basis. If possible, find the source of the mold. Mold generally appears in areas that are prone to moisture, such as bathrooms, laundry rooms, and basements. If mold is growing due to a leaky pipe, this problem must be rectified. A dehumidifier can be an excellent option for these rooms, but the homeowner must remember to empty the canister on a daily basis. If possible, use fans and open windows to remove moisture from the room as well. Even an open container of baking soda can help to eliminate the mold in small spots.
It should be noted that the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends that areas with extensive mold be handled by professionals. Likewise, a person with health concerns may also benefit from allowing an outside party to handle the problem. If a homeowner does decide to have the mold removed by a professional, it is vital to check the contractor’s credentials. Check references and be sure that the contractor adheres to the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygenists guidelines for mold removal.